Get Ready for Canada Labour Code Changes: Coming February 1, 2024

If your company is a federally regulated employer, you need to be aware of changes coming to the Canada Labour Code on February 1, 2024. The recent changes include new termination notice requirements which being the federally regulated sector in line with the provinces. How do I know if my business is federally regulated? Most […]

Governance of Employment Relationships in Ontario: An Overview

Ontario employment relationships are governed by various pieces of legislation. These laws are designed to protect the workers and ensure that they are treated fairly in the workplace, while also establishing a clear set of rules that employers can rely on when making hiring, management, and termination decisions. However, while the legislation in Ontario comes […]

Upcoming Ontario Legislation: Working for Workers Four Act, 2023


The Ontario government has released the text of its latest employment legislation, the fourth in a serios of Working for Workers Acts. These acts have made some changes to various pieces of Ontario legislation including the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

Proving a Hostile Work Environment

Businesswoman in a hostile work environment

While proving a hostile work environment is legally challenging, working in an overly hostile environment can amount to a breach of your legal rights and should not be ignored.

Does Your Employee Handbook Need an Update?

HR with books

Handbooks are key workplace documents that establish expectations, practices, and procedures to help keep employees on track and performing. A handbook should always be kept up to date to ensure it takes into account changes in the law and changes at your business. Find out more inside.

4 Steps to Preventing Workplace Harassment Claims in Your Business

As a business owner in Ontario, having a friendly and safe environment for your employees can increase productivity. It is also necessary to protect your business from potential legal liability. Here are 4 steps to help protect your business from a workplace harassment claim.