HR Trends to Anticipate in 2025

Blackboard Worker

HR teams play a key role in managing and driving the core aspects of workplace transformation.  Heading into 2025, companies are prioritizing flexible, supportive, and engaging workplaces in response to evolving workforce expectations and to remain competitive in a rapidly changing environment. These factors are critical for attracting and retaining top talent.

Intro to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation


What you don’t know about Canadian spam regulations could be costly to your business. While many know what a spam email is, spam in Canada applies to much more than emails. Find out inside what constitutes as spam in Canada and how your business can avoid costly fines from complaints about spam.

Moral Damages and Punitive Damages: The Costs of Unreasonable Conduct

Workplace Investigation

Deciding to part ways with an employee is fraught with risks, especially risks stemming from mishandling the termination. Terminations should always be handled respectfully and in good faith. If not, courts in Ontario may award moral or punitive damages. More details inside.

Understanding Workplace Harassment Investigations in Ontario

Workplace Harassment

Recent figures show that workplace harassment is not a rarity in Canada. Employers are required to deal with workplace harassment when it happens. However, businesses also need to take concrete steps to prevent harassment from occurring in the first place.