Unforeseen Third-Party Change Causes Frustration of Employment Agreement

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently decided that an employment agreement can be frustrated due to an unforeseeable change by a third party. More info inside.
Condonation of Layoff: Silence May Not Be Enough

What constitutes condonation of layoff? A recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision found that silence on the employee’s part may not be enough. More inside.
Condonation of Layoff: Silence May Not Be Enough

What constitutes condonation of layoff? A recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision found that silence on the employee’s part may not be enough. More inside.
Three Paid COVID-19 Sick Days Extended Until March 31, 2023

The Ontario Government has amended regulation in order to extend employee entitlements to paid sick days due to COVID-19. The new amendments extend this entitlement to March 31, 2023.
Retaining Key Talent in a Post-Pandemic Future

The job market has changed significantly through the pandemic. What are employees looking for at their workplace? For many, it isn’t just about compensation, it’s also about challenge, stimulation, and recognition. We lay out some tips on how to retain your top talent.
3 Key Items To Consider Before Creating A COVID-19 Vaccination Policy In Canada

In Ontario, certain organizations are under a provincial government mandate to adopt COVID-19 vaccinations, and others have chosen to do so voluntarily. But, many still are left wondering if they should. Before deciding, answer this question: Is it a reasonable policy?
The End of ‘COVID-19 Period’ and 3 More Government Updates Ontario Employers Need to Know Now

Here are four upcoming and recent legal requirements for Ontario Employers, including reimbursing employees taking sick leave due to COVID-19 and minimum wage increases.
What “Long COVID” Is And How It Can Affect Your Business

Long COVID is the term used for individuals that are experiencing lasting effects from COVID-19. It includes a range of new or ongoing symptoms and effects that can last for a long period following the initial infection. Individuals who experience this may be considered to have a disability.
Five Tips to Help Recruiting Internationally Run Smoother

There has been a shortage of Canadian workers that has only been exasperated by COVID-19. With borders starting to reopen, here are five points to keep in mind when planning to hire outside of Canada.
The Future of Remote Work and 6 Key Considerations in Managing a Remote Team

As organizations begin to plan for employees returning to the office, they should look at their employee location strategy and consider implementing hybrid workplaces. 94 percent of 800 employers surveyed by Mercer (an HR and workplace benefits consulting firm) said that productivity was the same as or higher than it was before the pandemic, even with employees working remotely. Creating a hybrid workforce enables a flexible workforce which increases engagement may be an attractive recruitment marketing tool.