Why Comprehensive Workplace Harassment Training is Crucial for Employers
Creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment is not just a moral and legal obligation—it is also essential for the well-being of employees, the satisfaction of customers, and the protection of the company. Find out how workplace training can help your organization in our latest blog post.
Changes to Ontario Legislation in Force: Latest Legislative Updates
New changes regarding sick notes and definitions of harassment are in effect in Ontario. Update your policies today!
Intro to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation
What you don’t know about Canadian spam regulations could be costly to your business. While many know what a spam email is, spam in Canada applies to much more than emails. Find out inside what constitutes as spam in Canada and how your business can avoid costly fines from complaints about spam.
Ontario Minimum Wage Increase Comes Into Effect on October 1, 2024
General minimum wage increased to $17.20 as of October 1, 2024. More details inside.
Unforeseen Third-Party Change Causes Frustration of Employment Agreement
The Ontario Court of Appeal recently decided that an employment agreement can be frustrated due to an unforeseeable change by a third party. More info inside.
Condonation of Layoff: Silence May Not Be Enough
What constitutes condonation of layoff? A recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision found that silence on the employee’s part may not be enough. More inside.
Temporary Help Agencies & Recruiters: Licensing Requirements
As of July 1, 2024, amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 requiring temporary help agencies (THAs) and recruiters in Ontario to be licensed come into effect. Applications must be submitted with various documents and a $750 fee. THAs must provide a $25,000 security and recruiters must also do so unless certain conditions are met. Find out more inside.
New Ontario Workplace Legislation: Working for Workers Five Act, 2024
The fifth installment of the Government of Ontario’s overhaul of the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, has now been released and debated at the Ontario Legislative Assembly. We’ve previously written about changes to the ESA, including most recently regarding the fourth change, found here. The latest installment contains several important changes that were recently announced […]
New Legislation: Increasing Fines Under the Ontario Employment Standards Act and Other Changes
The Ontario Government has announced its intention to introduce legislation to increase fines under the Ontario Employment Standards Act in the near future. This comes on the heels of several other legislative changes to the ESA, the most recent of which was the Working for Workers Four Act, 2023 which we covered in our blog […]
Moral Damages and Punitive Damages: The Costs of Unreasonable Conduct
Deciding to part ways with an employee is fraught with risks, especially risks stemming from mishandling the termination. Terminations should always be handled respectfully and in good faith. If not, courts in Ontario may award moral or punitive damages. More details inside.