The Bridge Legal & HR Solutions Blog

Legal Update

Condonation of Layoff: Silence May Not Be Enough

What constitutes condonation of layoff? A recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision found that silence on the employee’s part may not be enough. More inside.

Two people at a table.

The Underrealized Value of Employee Coaching

Leadership in the workplace transcends traditional management, focusing on motivation, empowerment, and continuous learning. Effective leaders coach employees, fostering engagement and improved performance. Key traits include visionary guidance, empathy, adaptability, clear communication, and mentorship. Integrating coaching boosts employee confidence, commitment, and productivity. Regular evaluations ensure coaching effectiveness, benefiting both individual and organizational success.

Workplace Harassment

How Long Should a Workplace Investigation Take?

How long should a workplace investigation take in Ontario? It varies depending on several factors. Bridge Legal & HR Solutions provides skilled third-party investigations.

confused businessman checking time on wristwatch
Legal Update

Temporary Help Agencies & Recruiters: Licensing Requirements

As of July 1, 2024, amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 requiring temporary help agencies (THAs) and recruiters in Ontario to be licensed come into effect. Applications must be submitted with various documents and a $750 fee. THAs must provide a $25,000 security and recruiters must also do so unless certain conditions are met. Find out more inside.

Workplace Investigation

Workplace Investigations and Procedural Fairness

Workplace investigations and procedural fairness can be complicated. Bridge Legal & HR Solutions helps Ontario employers conduct fair and objective workplace investigations.

employee sitting in front of a laptop with head low and hands on forehead

Energizing Your Team by Boosting Motivation

Your top performer has always gone above and beyond to get things done and has regularly offered ideas and suggestions for improvement. They have exceeded


The Role of Human Resources: Why It’s Important

What is the role of human resources and how can an HR department help you unlock the potential of your business? Our colleague Denise Kuhn provides an insightful breakdown of the advantages of human resource consultants for business of any size.

employees harassing co-worker

4 Steps to Restoring Your Workplace After A Harassment Complaint

Harassment in the workplace is an all-to-common occurrence today, taking place in all occupations. Thanks to regulations in Canada, all workers are entitled to a safe and healthy workplace. We can offer workplace harassment investigations in Ontario, as well as provide a path towards workplace restoration.

Contact us today to discuss your needs and we will create a budget that fits!